Does Blake Masters Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Blake Masters has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Blake Masters has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Quoted from on May 15th, 2024

Blake Masters completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Blake Masters supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.

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Profile picture of Blake Masters
Blake Masters
@fattony_78 still thinking through ethereum vs solana what is your opinion here? trying to find a good home for it. we want to do the 3D model on chain if possible. possibly host the texture on IPFS, or maybe an SVG texture. would basically like to make it maximally useful in the future
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Profile picture of Blake Masters
Blake Masters
China banned cryptocurrency last week. Let’s do the opposite. The US government should buy a strategic reserve of Bitcoin — Fort Nakamoto, the new Fort Knox. Related: my U.S. Senate campaign now accepts BTC donations. DM me or write for info & to donate.
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