Does Derek Merrin Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Derek Merrin has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Derek Merrin has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

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Derek Merrin
🚨Today, I filed HB 703 to create the Ohio Bitcoin Reserve within the state treasury! Provides state treasurer authority & flexibility to invest in #Bitcoin This legislation creates the framework for Ohio’s state government to harness the power of Bitcoin to strengthen our state finances. As the US dollar undergoes devaluation, #Bitcoin provides a vehicle to supplement our state's portfolio and preserve public funds from losing value.
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Derek Merrin reposted the post below
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Stand With Crypto🛡️
#StandWithCryptoDay was a success and the perfect way to cap off the #AmericaLovesCryptoTour! We've never been more confident that the crypto voter will have an impact at the polls this November. The crypto community should be VERY PROUD of themselves.
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Derek Merrin
I’m a strong defender of crypto. We need a 21st century framework that protects individuals right to possess, trade, and conduct commerce with digital assets. Jobs creators advancing technology should be provided a fair playing field with clear laws. #OH09 @standwithcrypto
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Stand With Crypto
marked this stance as very pro-crypto
Profile picture of DoTheySupportIt
marked this stance as very pro-crypto
X profile picture of @DerekMerrin
Derek Merrin
💯 on crypto! #GOPplatform #Soundmoney @standwithcrypto
X profile picture of @nic__carter
nic golden age carter
Official Republican party platform on crypto. Couldn't really ask for anything more: ✅ End crypto crackdown ✅ No CBDC ✅ Right to mine ✅ Right to self-custody ✅ Right to transact freely
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Stand With Crypto
marked this stance as very pro-crypto
Profile picture of DoTheySupportIt
marked this stance as very pro-crypto
Quoted from on Apr 16th, 2024

Derek Merrin completed the Stand With Crypto Questionnaire and demonstrated support for crypto and digital assets. He emphasized the importance of crypto in driving technological innovation, economic growth, and job creation. Derek Merrin supports comprehensive regulatory frameworks that offer clarity and promote responsible innovation.

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