Does Don Beyer Jr. Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Don Beyer Jr. has indicated they are somewhat pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Don Beyer Jr. has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Voted against a bill on Mar 11th, 2025
Bill Name
H.J. Res 25

A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Internal Revenue Service relating to "Gross Proceeds Reporting by Brokers That Regularly Provide Services Effectuating Digital Asset Sales".
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Don Beyer Jr. reposted the post below
X profile picture of @PattyMurray
Senator Patty Murray
While he chokes off cancer research and fires VA researchers, the President is using your taxpayer dollars to buy crypto and enrich his personal allies. This is the most corrupt administration in history and it's not even close.
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
Was thrilled to be invited to speak at Goodwin House’s “Saturday Morning Live“ (SML) in Alexandria, where questions and discussion covered AI, grid resiliency, crypto regulation, and other important topics. Thanks for having me!
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Voted against a bill on May 23rd, 2024
Bill Name
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal Reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
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Voted against a bill on May 8th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
The crypto crash has hurt so many people, but the damage hit unevenly, with wealthier investors shielded from the worst while amateur traders see their savings vanish. We need regulation and legislation to protect consumers. I introduced a bill to do that:…
X profile picture of @yaffebellany
David Yaffe-Bellany
As the market collapsed and retail investors lost everything, a pair of crypto billionaires were moonlighting as rockers. There's no more vivid illustration of the yawning divide between the industry's winners and losers.…
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
As the digital asset market continues to grow, it’s important that we close the regulatory gaps that leave consumers and our financial system vulnerable to fraud and manipulation. As @SecYellen says – government’s role is to support responsible innovation.
X profile picture of @USTreasury
Treasury Department
Today, @SecYellen is giving remarks on digital assets policy, innovation, and regulation at @AmericanU’s Center for Innovation. Watch her remarks live here:
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
One of the biggest crypto thefts yet, underscoring the enormous need for consumer protection in the area of digital assets. This massive regulatory gap puts average people at risk. I have a bill that would help close it:…
X profile picture of @zeitchikWaPo
Steven Zeitchik
ICYMI this week, a videogame that people pay to play (and acquire NFTs) was hit in a hack -- to the whopping tune of $625 million…
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
Nor does it directly address stablecoins or their role in linking traditional and decentralized finance. This underscores the need for Congress to act promptly to properly regulate these assets—as last year’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets report recommended.
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
–and international competitiveness in the digital asset marketplace. It provides a path forward to mitigate the risks that these assets pose to everyday investors and our collective financial stability, while also harnessing the benefits of future technological innovation.
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
This order recognizes the need for analysis of how digital assets affect consumers and the broader economy, and takes vital steps to crack down on illicit finance and address national security risks. It empowers the US government to establish leadership–
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
Fraud and market manipulation in the digital asset market highlight the need for new oversight to close regulatory gaps that leave consumers and our financial system vulnerable. @POTUS' Executive Order is a key first step to align the federal government’s approach in this area.
X profile picture of @JECDems
Joint Economic Committee Democrats
READ: @RepDonBeyer's statement on @POTUS signing an Executive Order outlining, for the first time, a whole-of-government approach to mitigating the risks & leveraging the potential benefits of digital assets and their underlying technology.⬇️…
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
Almost everyday we hear about a new massive financial crime, hack, fraud, etc. involving cryptocurrencies. Millions of Americans hold digital assets, they are consumers who deserve protection, but our regulations are wildly out of date. My bill would help.…
X profile picture of @EamonJavers
Eamon Javers
BREAKING: DOJ says Ilya Lichtenstein, 34, and his wife, Heather Morgan, 31, both of New York, were arrested today and charged with money laundering cryptocurrency stolen from Bitfinex in 2016. DOJ says it has recovered a whopping $3.6 billion worth of crypto.
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X profile picture of @RepDonBeyer
Rep. Don Beyer
Last week we held a @JECDems hearing on cryptocurrencies and digital assets. In case you missed it, my opening remarks: "Congress can promote responsible innovation in this market while also providing basic protections to the investing public."
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Don Beyer Jr. reposted the post below
X profile picture of @JECDems
Joint Economic Committee Democrats
.@RepDonBeyer: “The lack of disclosure & reporting requirements in many parts of the crypto asset industry tilt the playing field towards the largest investors who can leverage their size to exploit regulatory gaps at the expense of retail investors.” 📺»
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