Does Dusty Johnson Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Dusty Johnson has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Dusty Johnson has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Voted for a bill on Mar 11th, 2025
Bill Name
H.J. Res 25

A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Internal Revenue Service relating to "Gross Proceeds Reporting by Brokers That Regularly Provide Services Effectuating Digital Asset Sales".
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
As the global economy adopts more blockchain & digital assets technology, the South Dakota Blockchain Institute is keeping us up to speed by advocating for blockchain here. I spoke with them about bills I’ve been working on, like FIT21 to establish a digital assets framework.
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
A central bank digital currency allows unprecedented surveillance & control over private citizens’ bank accounts. This is wholly un-American and is used by governments like the CCP. I just voted for the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to protect your financial privacy & liberty.
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
D.C. rarely works like it should, but today, after more than a year of work, our groundbreaking legislation to clarify the regulatory structure for digital assets passed overwhelmingly. #FIT21 @PatrickMcHenry @CongressmanGT @RepFrenchHill
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Voted for a bill on May 8th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Cosponsored a bill on Feb 29th, 2024
Bill Name
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal Reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
🚨 BIG CRYPTO NEWS: My bill—the FIT for the 21st Century Act (first crypto package to pass out of committee on a bipartisan vote)—fills gaps in the regulatory arena for digital assets. Basic rules of the road are needed, and today we delivered.
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
.@HouseAgGOP just passed our FIT for the 21st Century Act to establish a digital assets framework—providing regulatory certainty to digital asset developers and the whole market. We’re another step closer to that goal.
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
The digital asset space is muddled with regulatory uncertainty, lack of authority, & a lacking framework for core operating principles. The #crypto industry wants clarity. This collaborative bill with @CongressmanGT & @RepFrenchHill gives both the CFTC & SEC a seat at the table.
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House Committee on Agriculture
🚨Introducing the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act. This bill establishes a regulatory framework for digital assets, protects consumers, fosters innovation, and positions America as a leader in finance and technology. #crypto…
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
The SEC cannot continue to regulate by enforcement. The lawsuits filed against digital asset firms are not protecting the public and are stifling innovation and growth. My letter to SEC Chair Gensler ⬇️
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
The District Court’s decision highlights the need for our digital asset market structure bill. Legislative clarity and certainty will help digital asset markets thrive.
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House Committee on Agriculture
NEW: Chairmen @CongressmanGT and @PatrickMcHenry’s statement regarding the U.S. District Court’s ruling in SEC v. Ripple and the need for legislative clarity in the digital asset ecosystem to prevent further uncertainty in our financial markets.…
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Rep. Dusty Johnson
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding digital assets. In a rare joint hearing with the digital assets subcommittees in both House Ag & House Financial Services Committees, leaders on digital assets and commodities cleared up some of our confusion so the U.S. can remain the leadelogical innovation.
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Cosponsored a bill on Aug 26th, 2022
Bill Name
Digital Commodity Exchange Act of 2022

This bill allows for the regulation and registration of digital commodity exchanges subject to oversight by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The bill establishes the conditions for the sale of digital commodities, the registration of exchanges, and sets forth other requirements.
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