Does French Hill Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, French Hill has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary French Hill has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Profile picture of French Hill
French Hill
The Biden-Harris Treasury chose to defy both Democrats and Republicans in Congress by finalizing its controversial broker tax reporting rule today. This rule is an overreach by the Treasury, a blatant and poorly crafted attempt to target DeFi, and should never have been finalized… Biden-Harris Admin.
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I see Congressman French Hill is once again standing up for the crypto community by criticizing the Treasury's new broker reporting rule. As many of you know, this rule vastly expands the definition of "broker" in the context of digital assets, potentially capturing entities like miners, validators, and even software developers. This is a significant concern for the decentralized nature of crypto, as it could impose burdensome reporting requirements on individuals and entities who don't even have access to the information the Treasury seeks. It's a clear overreach and, as Rep. Hill points out, a poorly crafted attempt to bring DeFi under traditional financial regulations. This is a crucial fight for the future of crypto, and I applaud Rep. Hill for his continued strong support. His consistent pro-crypto stance is a beacon of hope in these uncertain regulatory times.
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analysis submitted by Joe Pesci
Profile picture of French Hill
French Hill
With AI and crypto rapidly advancing in our society, I couldn’t think of a better time than now to appoint @DavidSacks to lead the charge with @realDonaldTrump. As a proven leader on #DigitalAssets in Congress, I look forward to working with David and President Trump on driving our mutual priorities of bolstering innovation and ensuring America is the leader of these groundbreaking technologies. A new era in American innovation starts now. 🇺🇸
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French Hill
Under Operation Choke Point 2.0, @FDICgov politically targeted American business and pressured banks to sever ties with entire industries like crypto. Next Congress @FinancialCmte stands ready to work with @realDonaldTrump to halt and reverse these practices, and finally conduct a full investigation.
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French Hill
During his tenure at @SECGov, Director Grewal pursued a needless and arbitrary “regulation by enforcement” strategy that has only created uncertainty and challenges for digital asset companies. Hopefully, @SECGov will now turn the page and adopt an approach that fosters a fair and transparent regulatory environment for all market participants.
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French Hill
While Congress has been hard at work to establish a regulatory framework for digital assets though #FIT21, time and time again, @SECgov has chosen to bring numerous enforcement actions in an attempt to front-run Congress. Watch more ⬇️
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French Hill
Instead of following the bipartisan progress we’ve made on digital assets, Gensler’s SEC has chosen to front-end the work of Congress and make spurious arguments that have been rejected by the House, the courts, and market participants. The SEC’s approach to digital assets is a…, and everyone in between. Watch more ⬇️
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French Hill
Former President @realDonaldTrump is a strong voice for #Crypto. There is a future for crypto in America, which is why it’s crucial that #FIT21 becomes law to ensure #DigitalAssets have a regulatory framework that protects consumers and investors while keeping innovation in our country. Unlike Kamala Harris, Trump has shown unwavering support for the crypto community, and his announcement tonight furthers that support.
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French Hill
#Defi technology can preserve an individual’s freedom to transact. Today’s @FinancialCmte hearing is about how Congress can help Americans access and leverage this technology to preserve their individual freedom and improve our financial system. Watch more ⬇️
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French Hill
Former President Trump said America needs to lead the way in #crypto and #digitalasset innovation and I fully agree. My #FIT21 bill is crucial in creating a regulatory framework for digital assets that protects consumers and investors while keeping innovation in the US.
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French Hill
After tirelessly working across the aisle and across the nation over the past year to craft a clear, pragmatic regulatory framework for digital assets, I am proud that this landmark legislation, #FIT21, is coming to the House Floor. More below⬇️
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Cosponsored a bill on Mar 5th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Profile picture of French Hill
French Hill
Bad actors are the problem, not #crypto. @SenLummis and I sent a letter to the DOJ urging a full investigation into Binance and Tether’s roles as intermediaries in Hamas’ illicit financial activities that may have been used to facilitate terrorism and other nefarious actions. Read our letter:
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Cosponsored a bill on Sep 27th, 2023
Bill Name
Uniform Treatment of Custodial Assets Act

To prohibit certain Federal agencies from requiring certain institutions to include assets held in custody as a liability, and for other purposes.
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Cosponsored a bill on Sep 12th, 2023
Bill Name
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal Reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
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Profile picture of French Hill
French Hill
Americans have a right to financial privacy. We do not need a #CBDC that can track your purchases like China does with their Digital Yuan. The authority rests with Congress, not unelected bureaucrats, to create and implement a CBDC. And that’s non-partisan.
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French Hill
@FinancialCmte is countering @GaryGensler and @SECGov on their unreasonable mandates that negatively affect businesses and the #crypto ecosystem. America should be the leader in web 3 development and digital asset innovation. WATCH⬇️ | @MorningsMaria
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French Hill
The FIT for the 21st Century Act, coauthored by myself and members on @HouseAgGOP, will provide clarity on the @SECGov and @CFTC's jurisdiction over digital assets, fill the gaps in the existing system and provide robust consumer protections. More ⬇️ #FIT21 @FinancialCmte
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French Hill
I am committed to protecting consumer privacy and am working to stop any and all efforts by Democrats to develop a federal CBDC to spy on the American people. I introduced a bill that would ensure that the government studies what guardrails would be necessary to protect consumers
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French Hill
I understand why Americans are concerned about CBDCs and the potential for a Big-Brother-like surveillance state. I share these concerns. It is a priority of mine to make sure the federal government cannot and does not proceed with issuing a CBDC without Congressional approval.
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French Hill
There’s a fair amount of agreement between @FinancialCmte Rs and @FSCDems when it comes to stablecoins, starting with their potential to improve the efficiency, cost, and speed of payments; expanding financial access; and facilitating the use and adoption of digital assets.
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French Hill
For years, @RepBillFoster and I have advocated for the careful, thoughtful approach in designing a CBDC. While I am pleased to read Federal Reserve’s new report, I am disappointed it was released months behind schedule. It is important to not delay the work on CBDCs any further.
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