Does Jeff Criswell Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Jeff Criswell has indicated they are very anti-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Jeff Criswell has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Jeff Criswell replied to a post from @wsbtv
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Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
Will she be sharing info about SAM BANKMAN-FRIED, her partner in crime and the CONVICTED FELON who donated $2 mill to her '22 campaign? NOTE TO SELF: be leery of donors who are AKA "The Crypto Creep", "Two-toes Sammy", or "Sammy the Sloth."
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Jeff Criswell replied to a post from @bluestein
X profile picture of @JCriswell4Him
Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
Will she be sharing info about SAM BANKMAN-FRIED, her partner in crime and the CONVICTED FELON who donated $2 mill to her '22 campaign? NOTE TO SELF: be leery of donors who are AKA "The Crypto Creep", "Two-toes Sammy", or "Sammy the Sloth."
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Jeff Criswell replied to a post from @bluestein
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Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
@bluestein Will she be sharing info about SAM BANKMAN-FRIED, her partner in crime and the CONVICTED FELON who donated $2 mill to her '22 campaign? NOTE TO SELF: be leery of donors who are AKA "The Crypto Creep", "Two-toes Sammy", or "Sammy the Sloth."
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Jeff Criswell replied to a post from @ajc
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Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
Will she be sharing info about SAM BANKMAN-FRIED, her partner in crime and the CONVICTED FELON who donated $2 mill to her '22 campaign? NOTE TO SELF: be leery of donors who are AKA "The Crypto Creep", "Two-toes Sammy", or "Sammy the Sloth."
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X profile picture of @JCriswell4Him
Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
I hope McBath is planning for life after politics - the voters of the 6th Congressional district of GA gonna' send her packing. Perhaps she stashed some of the $2 million stolen bucks that Sam "the Crypto-Creep" Bankman-Fried, aka "Sammy the Salami" donated to her in '22?
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X profile picture of @JCriswell4Him
Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
Love at first sight: LUCY MCBATH + Sam Bankman Fried aka the Crypto Creep.
X profile picture of @amuse
Trump turned down $5B from @SBF_FTX to withdraw from the Republican Primary. Trump can’t be bought, that is what makes him so dangerous to Democrats and the Deep State.
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Jeff Criswell replied to a post from @lucymcbath
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Jeff Criswell for Congress GA-14
$2 million big ones from SAM BANKMAN-FRIED, CRYPTO-CREEP - let's talk about THAT journey, mom. Let's talk about the crime-scene that Gwinnett has become on your watch, mother. And let's talk about what you do after I send you packing in Nov., '24.
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