Does John Deaton Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, John Deaton has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary John Deaton has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Quoted from on Sep 6th, 2024

He claimed crypto is not widely used for "illicit" activity because transactions are discoverable on the blockchain, which is public but uses alphanumeric keys instead of a person's identity. "What I'm saying is Hamas actually issued a directive not to use crypto because it was too traceable," he said. "The NSA, the FBI, the CIA, have all come out and said they hope that criminals use Bitcoin. It's an open, distributed ledger. You can trace every single transaction."

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Quoted from on Jul 1st, 2024

John Deaton helped launch:

CryptoLaw was launched in 2021 to be a clearinghouse of information, news and analysis on key U.S. legal and regulatory developments for digital asset holders. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are a revolutionary innovation for the global economy. The United States is the world’s cradle of innovation, and actions taken by the U.S. Congress, U.S. regulatory agencies and in U.S. courts will greatly impact the future of this technology everywhere. The objective of CryptoLaw is to provide a central location for finding public information, links to news articles, and probing analysis on the legal, regulatory and policy issues related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

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Quoted from on Feb 20th, 2024

Deaton has also delved into cryptocurrencies.

He said he was drawn to the technology by remembering how his mother relied on what he described as “predatory inner-city check cashing operations” and was intrigued by cryptocurrency’s ability to help the underprivileged and unbanked.

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