Does John Olszewski Support Crypto?
Based on previous comments, John Olszewski has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary John Olszewski has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.
John Olszewski, along with several members of Congress and candidates, urged the Democratic National Committee and prospective presidential candidates to endorse pro-crypto policies. They emphasized the importance of adopting a forward-looking approach to digital assets and blockchain technology, highlighting its potential for American innovation, economic growth, and financial inclusion. Their requests include:
- Including pro-digital asset language in the party platform.
- Selecting a Vice-Presidential candidate knowledgeable in digital asset policy.
- Choosing a pro-innovation SEC Chair.
- Engaging with industry experts for informed policy-making.
Olszewski's campaign website mentioned support for blockchain and crypto:
"Embracing emerging technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrency presents exciting opportunities for economic growth and financial inclusion. Johnny believes in harnessing the potential of these technologies while ensuring robust regulatory frameworks to protect consumers and safeguard against illicit activities."