Does Mike Cargile Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Mike Cargile has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Mike Cargile has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

Mike Cargile reposted the post below
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Nayib Bukele
El Salvador's #Bitcoin investments are in the black! After literally thousands of articles and hit pieces that ridiculed our supposed losses, all of which were calculated based on #Bitcoin’s market price at the time... With the current #Bitcoin market price, if we were to sell our #Bitcoin, we would not only recover 100% of our investment but also make a profit of $3 620 277.13 USD (as of this moment). Of course, we have no intention of selling; that has never been our objective. We are fully aware that the price will continue to fluctuate in the future, this doesn’t affect our long-term strategy. Nonetheless, it is important that the naysayers and the authors of those hit pieces take back their statements. The responsible thing to do would be for them to issue retractions, offer apologies, or, at the very least, acknowledge that El Salvador is now yielding a profit, just as they repeatedly reported that we were incurring losses. If they consider themselves true journalists, they should report this new reality with the same intensity they reported the previous one. We’ll see… Stay tuned!
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Mike Cargile
If I had the attention of any world leaders or global influencers, I would say it is time for a global economic reset and the instrument of that reset is Bitcoin. I would then recommend a summit of experts representing all major currencies to convene in the safest place on the planet it seems (El Salvador) with a goal of establishing “The Grand Equation”. This Equation will realize the true and untapped potential Bitcoin offers the world. It is not just a currency or a commodity, it is a potential standard by which all other currencies are valued. Since there are only 21 million Bitcoins available, the Supply side of the economic equation is finite. We only have to factor in the Demand side of the equation. And since Demand dictates Value, and the Demand is global, we have a definitive starting point for a global economic reset. Due to its unique blockchain security, Bitcoin cannot be manipulated by any country, corporation, or financial institution. It is quite plainly, the People’s Coin and the Value placed upon it is solely due to the Demand of the People of the world. During this summit, all national intrinsic factors need to be considered and weighted in the Grand Equation. Some nations are rich in natural resources while others are rich in human resources. Some nations have enormous potential but are mired in debt while others exist nearly debt free but contribute little due to lack of leadership. EVERYTHING must be considered and factored in. Once that is accomplished, we will have a global economic baseline to evaluate all existing economies and currencies. The goal here is not to eliminate or supplant national currencies, it is to gauge their TRUE VALUE on the world stage and assess them accordingly. We would then need to create a system that monitors the availability of those currencies so as not to dilute or manipulate their own supply side. Perhaps that is the next evolution of those involved in Bitcoin mining, but that’s for another conversation. Once baseline national economic value is calculated, the Grand Equation would then value a nation’s currency based on the present Value of Bitcoin, not gold or some other precious metal or some empty promissory note. From that point on, the ebb and flow of this Value will be determined by the population at large and their Demand for Bitcoin. Once all Bitcoins have been mined, the stabilization effect this standard will have on current monetary fluctuations cannot be overstated. With the Grand Equation in place, We the People will dictate the TRUE value of a nation and its currency and not a few global elites who game the system at every turn. Until Bitcoin, this was never a real possibility… but now it is. Full disclosure – I do not own Bitcoin for the simple fact that I do not want to be accused of proffering this idea for personal gain. I simply want to present the framework of an idea that I think will buttress the economic upheaval destined for all of us should these few bad actors continue to go unchecked. #HODL #Bitcoin @nayibbukele @elonmusk @PM_ViktorOrban @maxkeiser @stacyherbert
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