Does Tom Emmer Jr. Support Crypto?

Based on previous comments, Tom Emmer Jr. has indicated they are very pro-cryptocurrency. Below you can view the tweets, quotes, and other commentary Tom Emmer Jr. has made about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrency innovation.

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Tom Emmer Jr.
That was @SECGov’s bread and butter until recently when the SEC admitted regret for confusing the marketplace with its use of Gensler’s made-up term “crypto asset security,” even though that is EXACTLY what Gensler tried and failed to establish many times. The SEC lies again.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Then he invented the term “crypto asset security” out of thin air. This term does not exist in statute and has not been defined anywhere, including within the SEC. Gensler just made it up and then used it as the basis for his entire “regulation by enforcement” strategy.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
If history is any guide, Kamala Harris will throw her political weight behind an Elizabeth-Warren-style approach to digital assets. She was widely known as the most liberal member of the United States Senate before the media started running cover for her.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Weeding out bad actors on chain requires a clear understanding of their goals. Proud to support @ZachNunn’s Financial Technology Protection Act to create a working group to help drill down on potentially illicit uses of digital assets and find strategies to prevent it.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"By barring the Federal Reserve from issuing a U.S. CBDC to consumers, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act would avoid the unnecessary risks to consumers and small businesses that a U.S. CBDC would pose. We thank Rep. Emmer for introducing this important legislation..." - @ICBA
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"Heritage Action supports the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act and will include COSPONSORSHIP of this legislation on our legislative scorecard…The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act protects individual liberty and prevents threats of government coercion..." - @Heritage_Action
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"We support the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act – legislation aimed at preventing a CBDC from being issued in the United States. Blockchain Association thanks Majority Whip Emmer for his continued leadership on this critical issue." - @BlockchainAssn
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"...creation of a CBDC represents a massive expansion of government control over the economy, and it would trample on individuals’ rights...It is for these reasons we urge you to support…H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act." - @AFPhq
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act is also necessary legislation. CBDCs not only crowd out private cryptocurrencies, but they are also an existential threat to consumer privacy protections." - @taxreformer, along with a coalition of conservative organizations
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"ABA believes strongly that a unnecessary in the United States and would present unacceptable risks and costs to the financial system...the ABA welcomes and strongly supports H.R. 5403, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act..." - @ABABankers
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"We must never emulate the Chinese Communist Party’s social credit system, which they weaponize to punish citizens who disagree with the government by cutting them off from the economy. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act would stop this dangerous behavior." - @A1Policy
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The House is getting ready to vote on my CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act. We’ll be one step closer to ensuring unelected bureaucrats are NEVER allowed to trade Americans' financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC. Here’s what key stakeholders are saying about our bill:
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Tom Emmer Jr.
We don’t make trade-offs with American’s rights. This week, we will pass our CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act to prohibit unelected bureaucrats at the Fed from stripping the American people of their right to financial privacy.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The idea of a central bank digital currency is more than alarming, it is down-right un-American. This week, the @HouseGOP will uphold the American values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free-market competitiveness by passing my CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Crypto has shifted economic power from centralized institutions back into the hands of the people. The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, the Securities Clarity Act, and FIT21 will provide the regulatory certainty needed to ensure that web3 is designed with our American values.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
This week, the House will take up two of my landmark pieces of legislation. -The CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act -The Securities Clarity Act These bills will ensure the future of crypto is determined by the American people – not @POTUS and the Administrative State.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Crypto is in the middle of a policy tug-of-war between the Administrative State and the American people. Congress just passed the SAB 121 repeal on a bipartisan basis. If Biden vetoes, it proves he wants to kill opportunities for Americans at the expense of Americans.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Today, we will vote to overturn @GaryGensler’s illegal SAB 121 rule. This rule prevents banks from safeguarding digital assets for their customers, which only increases concentration risk in our market and puts American digital asset holders in a vulnerable position.
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Cosponsored a bill on Mar 5th, 2024
Bill Name
SAB 121 House Joint Resolution

For congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to "Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121". This staff accounting bulletin expresses the views of the staff regarding the accounting for obligations to safeguard crypto-assets an entity holds for platform users.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
“ABA has long believed that a CBDC would pose significant risks to our financial system that would outweigh any potential benefits, including undermining the critical role that banks play in extending credit and powering the economy.” -@ABABankers
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Tom Emmer Jr.
“CBDCs present major privacy concerns for everyday Americans, including granting the government the ability to collect intimate personal details on U.S. citizens, and potentially track and freeze funds for any reason.” -@BlockchainAssn
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Tom Emmer Jr.
My bill, the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, garnered significant momentum this week: - 120 cosponsors - Broad coalition support - Reintroduction of @SenTedCruz's Senate companion Here's what stakeholders are saying about this important legislation:
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"Anti-CBDC legislation is necessary to safeguard Americans' financial privacy in the face of potential surveillance, control, and political intimidation... We will be issuing a Key Vote Cosponsorship in support of Whip Emmer and Senator Cruz’s bill..." -@Heritage_Action
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Senators are writing legislation based on the Wall Street Journal's inaccurate reporting. Since Treasury has accurate data, it has an obligation to correct the record on the size of Hamas's digital asset fundraising efforts.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The FSOC hides in a black box, shielded from Congressional oversight. It designates industries as “systemically risky,” and has been weaponized to wield that power to carry out political agendas rather than protect the market at large. Case in point: digital assets.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
My amendment prohibits the SEC from using taxpayer-funded resources to pursue enforcement actions against the digital asset industry until Congress passes legislation that authorizes regulatory enforcement jurisdiction.
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Cosponsored a bill on Nov 2nd, 2023
Bill Name
Uniform Treatment of Custodial Assets Act

To prohibit certain Federal agencies from requiring certain institutions to include assets held in custody as a liability, and for other purposes.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Bottom Line: If not open, permissionless, and private - like cash - a CBDC is nothing more than a CCP-style surveillance tool that can be weaponized to oppress the American way of life. Thank you @FinancialCmte for considering my bill this month.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Why: The administration has made it clear: President Biden is willing to compromise the American people’s right to financial privacy for a surveillance-style CBDC. I don’t believe in compromising Americans’ rights.
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Sponsored a bill on Sep 12th, 2023
Bill Name
CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act

To amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit the Federal Reserve banks from offering certain products or services directly to an individual, to prohibit the use of central bank digital currency for monetary policy, and for other purposes.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
"The Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act ensures American digital asset innovations can continue to thrive here in the United States. We urge members of the committee to vote in favor of this bill." - @BlockchainAssn
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Last week, I introduced the Securities Clarity Act with @RepDarrenSoto which clarifies the regulatory classification of digital assets to provide market certainty for innovators and clear jurisdictional boundaries for regulators. Here’s what others are saying about our bill:
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Tom Emmer Jr.
@RepDarrenSoto The Securities Clarity Act inserts a key term, the “investment contract asset,” into existing securities law to enable crypto projects to reach their full potential in a compliant way, allowing the United States to compete globally in this next iteration of the internet.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
@RepDarrenSoto Without a distinction between the asset and the securities contract, token projects that raise capital to fund development cannot move out of the securities framework once the project is decentralized, which hinders the utility of the project and ultimately harms token holders.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The bill does three things: 1. Prohibits the Fed from issuing a CBDC directly to anyone. 2. Bars the Fed from using a CBDC to implement monetary policy and control the economy. 3. Requires the Fed's CBDC projects to be transparent to Congress and the American people
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Probably a good time to re-up my bipartisan Blockchain Regulatory Certainty Act. The bill asserts that blockchain entities that never custody consumer funds are not money transmitters… providing necessary legal certainty to ensure the future of crypto reflects American values.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Gensler has repeatedly dodged Congress at the expense of investors (hasn’t publicly appeared before the House Financial Services since October 5, 2021), leaving us to learn about the SEC's crypto investigations, like the one into FTX, through the media.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The Caucus received info from several sources (FTX, as we’ve said repeatedly, was not one of them) that @GaryGensler's efforts to gather info on crypto companies were not targeted, intentional, or clear; rather, the SEC's requests were haphazard and unfocused.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Project Hamilton is an initiative between the Boston Fed and MIT to research the potential development of a U.S. CBDC & the private sector's role must be transparent. No government body should be in the business of picking winners and losers in private industry.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
We’ll be very clear: There is no alternative to authorizing a CBDC other than through legislation. And Congress won’t approve a CBDC unless it’s open, permissionless, & private. I commend @RepFrenchHill & @PatrickMcHenry for leading this letter and am proud to support.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
I sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Yellen regarding the unprecedented sanctioning of Tornado Cash. The growing adoption of decentralized technology will certainly raise new challenges for OFAC. Nonetheless, technology is neutral and the expectation of privacy is normal.⬇️
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Tom Emmer Jr.
If that is the case, the US would be a large digital asset holder, able to materially impact market trends through sales or purchases. Congress must have insight from the Fed so we can establish informed regulatory guidelines.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
US law enforcement regularly captures and seizes cryptocurrency and auctions that crypto off to the public. This process is not transparent, and there are reports that, as of February 2022, the US government owned over $4 billion in Bitcoin alone.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Congress has recognized that this bureaucratic regulatory posture on digital assets is unproductive. So, we are working together, across the aisle, to find solutions that will allow the United States to lead in digital asset policy.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Instead, the PWG wants Congress to pass stablecoin legislation that doesn’t have consensus in Congress, not even amongst Committee Democrats, and is threatening to utilize the "independent" FSOC as a vehicle to circumvent Congress and the American people on digital asset policy.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Today, Secretary Yellen confirmed that the FSOC is not supposed to take direction from the White House, as that would compromise the independence of the council. This doesn’t seem to be the case when it comes to digital assets and stablecoins…
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Tom Emmer Jr.
If Congress doesn’t pass the legislation the Admin wants us to pass? Doesn’t matter. The stablecoin report & the crypto EO both direct FSOC to find risks with digital assets and stablecoins - once they label it as systemically risky, regulators can move forward with their agenda.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The Digital Commodity Exchange Act, reintroduced today by my friend @CongressmanGT, gives the CFTC the authority to regulate crypto spot markets - streamlining regulation for exchanges and providing a place for tokens deemed not securities (digital commodities) to trade.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
I’ve been working with @CongressmanGT, @RepRoKhanna, and @RepDarrenSoto (members of the Blockchain Caucus) on two pieces of sensible, pro-crypto legislation that recognize a token is separate and distinct from a securities offering… because U.S. framework should reflect that.
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Cosponsored a bill on Apr 28th, 2022
Bill Name
Digital Commodity Exchange Act of 2022

This bill allows for the regulation and registration of digital commodity exchanges subject to oversight by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The bill establishes the conditions for the sale of digital commodities, the registration of exchanges, and sets forth other requirements.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
✅Crypto donations to Ukraine have totaled almost $100 million. ✅40% of the vendors supporting Ukraine have accepted crypto as payment. ✅Banks in Ukraine are not operating. Crypto exchanges are operating 24/7. Crypto is essential.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
My office has received numerous tips from crypto and blockchain firms that SEC Chair @GaryGensler’s information reporting “requests” to the crypto community are overburdensome, don’t feel particularly… voluntary… and are stifling innovation.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Fortunately, there are decentralized payment tools that preserve the democratic values that are so integral to the free world. I am dedicated to ensuring Americans have financial tools that, like cash, are open, permissionless, private, and resilient to intermediated control.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Overall, it’s critical that we maintain tech and economic leadership on the global stage and I look forward to continuing to work to find bipartisan solutions to keep our great crypto community right here in the United States.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
2) The EO places the “highest urgency” on the agencies to study CBDCs. Any commonsense analysis of a potential U.S. CBDC that is not open, permissionless, and private would illuminate that the very idea is an entire nonstarter and a disservice to Americans.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
3) Most fortunately, the EO doesn’t ask the SEC to weigh in. SEC Chair Gensler has spent the past year intimidating crypto innovators and entrepreneurs with his unproductive regulation by public statement and enforcement action. His input is not critical.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Given this Admin’s regulatory posture toward the crypto community, we have no reason to assume that the directives in the EO will yield results that appropriately acknowledge the importance of leading w. digital asset policies that prioritize open, permissionless, & private tech.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Sec. 1 findings of the EO are sound: We have a national interest in fostering digital asset innovation. The rest of the EO focuses on consumer protection, systemic risks, global competitiveness, international standards, and placing guardrails on code to make sure its resilient.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Crypto, tokenization, blockchain, NFTs, smart contracts, & stablecoins are powering a more viable economic structure with individual autonomy. As a country, it’s imperative that we develop a strategy to foster this innovation.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
The report: ❌Doesn't provide a definition for stablecoin ❌Asserts that both bank-like products & investment-like products could be stablecoins ❌Abuses this ambiguity to ask Congress to lump these assets together & hand them solely to the banks I'm not on board with that.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
My bottom line thought on the Fed’s CBDC report: We’ve waited a long time for this opaque report. What this report really clarifies? The Fed seeks to fit the future of financial transactions in the US into the box of the legacy financial structure.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Any CBDC implemented by the Fed must be open, permissionless, and private. This means that any digital dollar must be accessible to all, transact on a blockchain that is transparent to all, and maintain the privacy elements of cash.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Not only does this CBDC model raise “single point of failure” issues, leaving Americans’ financial information vulnerable to attack, but it could be used as a surveillance tool that Americans should never be forced to tolerate from their own government.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
CBDCs that fail to adhere to these three basic principles could enable an entity like the Federal Reserve to mobilize itself into a retail bank, collect personally identifiable information on users, and track their transactions indefinitely.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
As other countries, like China, develop CBDCs that fundamentally omit the benefits and protections of cash, it is more important than ever to ensure the United States’ digital currency policy protects financial privacy, maintains the dollar’s dominance, and cultivates innovation.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
That said, we still have foundational questions to answer. What digital assets are securities/commodities/currency? Lots to figure out, but we have all of 2022 to gear up for it so we can pass critical legislation when the agenda and priorities change after the midterms.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
This Congress, I put pressure on our regulators on everything from crypto tax to BTC ETFs to crypto accounting standards and much more. There's a lot of work to be done, and a focus on stablecoins, CBDCs, BSA/KYC, mining, and tax will be top of mind for Congress.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
3. @CongressmanGT 's bill, the Digital Commodities Exchange Act, gives the CFTC the authority to regulate crypto spot markets. 4. And finally, a SEC token safe harbor bill that takes an issuer from issuance to decentralization. McHenry has one that mimics Hester's proposal
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Tom Emmer Jr.
1. McHenry's Keep Innovation in America Act - this is a good fix for the crypto pay-for in the infrastructure bill. 2. My bill, the Securities Clarity Act - helps determine when a token is offered as part of a securities contract or not.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
4. Industry: Many incredible organizations educate Members + their staff. There are three keystone groups: @coincenter (a think tank), @BlockchainAssn and @DigitalChamber. More groups are coming on the scene to represent crypto interests. We are immensely grateful to all.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
3. Senate Banking + Finance Committees: In wake of the Infrastructure bill fiasco and misguided crypto tax amendment, key members on these committees spoke out and supported legislative fixes. This helped identify members willing to lead on crypto in the Senate.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
2. @FinancialCmte: Congress can't ignore crypto anymore. @PatrickMcHenry prioritized crypto policy for Republicans on the Committee. Maxine Waters, the Chair, followed suit to some degree, but Ds typically lean skeptical for investor protection and environmental reasons.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Let's start with the different actors on the Hill moving crypto policy: 1. @BlockCaucus: We're a group of 40+ Republicans & Democrats who work together to advance a commonsense regulatory approach for web3. The Caucus's support has become instrumental to advancing web3 policy.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
I've been co-leading the bipartisan Blockchain Caucus with @RepDarrenSoto. As 2021 wraps up, I wanted to update you on the Caucus, my work and what we need to accomplish in 2022 to support crypto and web3 innovation in the US.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Crypto is facilitating Web 3.0, which gives Americans ownership over their digital lives so Big Tech can’t continue to profit off of Internet users. I’ve been working on these issues since 2015 on the @financialcmte and as co-chair of the @blockcaucus.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
All my work in the crypto space, including bills like the Securities Clarity Act or Safe Harbor for Taxpayers with Forked Assets Act which @Valkenburgh mentioned today, is to give this technology, this next great innovation, a chance to thrive and for Americans to thrive with it.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
While the trading of two Bitcoin futures ETFs in October is a step forward for the millions of Americans who want to invest in crypto through traditional methods, the onus is on the SEC, now more than ever, to allow Bitcoin spot ETFs to commence trading.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
On top of that, the PWG wants stablecoin issuers to register as banks. Meanwhile, #MichaelHsu at the OCC has halted all of the progress @BrianBrooksUS made with the OCC special purpose bank charter, which would provide qualifying fintechs to operate as national banks.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Distributed ledgers allow us to easily and accurately trace crypto. Make no mistake, cash is still king for criminals—disappointing to see @RepCleaver spread misinformation about traceability at our @FinancialCmte hearing today.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
When @POTUS abandoned Kabul and it fell to the Taliban, many Afghan civilians' ability to access their life savings through traditional financial systems crumbled. Now, crypto is a lifeline for innocent Americans and Afghans.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Today, I wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig asking him to streamline the tax structure surrounding #crypto donations so donors don’t have to have their donation appraised, but rather, can reference the easily accessible and verifiable #bitcoin exchange price.
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Tom Emmer Jr.
Virtual currency and #blockchain technology can expand access to credit for underserved and unbanked Americans. Those engaging with #Crypto should have the freedom to donate to causes they believe in, and our government should support charitable giving, not limit it.
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